History of the Development of this Park – Why it is important?
George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon is located in Council District Eleven, above Will Rogers State Beach and the Pacific Coast Highway in Pacific Palisades in the City of Los Angeles, California.
Since severe erosion was first detected in 1933, about a dozen houses have tumbled into Potrero Canyon. By the early 1990s, many more had lost back yards or garages. Plans were laid at least three times since the mid-1950s to fill the void. You can see the protection now provided in the image below. Learn more about the history of this treasured canyon. More details follow...
The Thoughtful and Purposeful Design - Why was this park needed?
The Potrero Canyon Community Advisory Committee worked to focus a landscape design that reflected the history, current climate needs, the efforts to capture and filter water runoff from the canyon, and California coastal habitat. Signage was created to enrich visitors with details about the habitat and wildlife in the park.
Please review this site, prepared by Friends of George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon, to learn more.
Years of Advocacy by the Community
Potrero Canyon Community Advisory Committee (PCCAC), appointed by the City of Los Angeles City Council and the Mayor, was created in 2005 and issued its final report in 2008. For three years, the committee held monthly public meetings to reach a community consensus about the park’s design and uses.
This dedicated group developed a vision and met in a Brown Act public process with community members, City staff, and elected officials, as well as considered the requirements of the California Coastal Commission, to develop a plan for the park which would meet community needs and provide safety, enhanced habitat sustainability, and a place of beauty for all visitors to enjoy.
The Final Trail Uses and Facilities report provides the PCCAC's adopted plan to guide the design and development of a passive park. It was submitted on January 21, 2008, after three years of public meetings to obtain community input and develop this plan.
Members of the Potrero Canyon Community Advisory Committee
George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon Resources
Links to Historical Documents and Videos
California Coastal Commission
Information about the Tongva Indigenous People
KCRW: LA’s Tongva descendants: ‘We originated here’, by Jenny Hamel Jul. 17, 2018
Militant Angeleno Blog: Native Month: We Are A Part Of The Tongva Nation, September 5, 2011
Coverage of the Park Opening Event
Santa Monica Mirror: 60 Years in the Making George Wolfberg Park Finally Revealed
Circling the News: Opening Ceremony Held for George Wolfberg Park at Potrero Canyon